CT 결과 판독 부탁드립니다
Ct결과 판독 부탁드려요 • FINDING : Compared to 2023-10-10 CT scan, 1. Dilluso tally Ivor. 2. Splenomogaty (approx, 15 em) with accoscory spleon. 3. Suggostod, roctal polyp (approx 1.4 cm) 4, Mulip e divorticula, ascending colon and aistal descencing colon. S/P 11, nephrectomy. No evidence al local recurrence 6, Small cysts (< 1 cm), fit. kidney. 7. No signifieant abnormal finding in GI%, penereas and utinery blender. B. No L/N enlargement, and no asciles. Otherwiae unremarkabie, recommend) Colonoscopy.