Unprotected sex after period, can I get prescribed a contraceptive?
Hi, I recently had unprotected sex 3 days after my period was done and wanted to see if I can be prescribed a contraceptive.
Hi, I recently had unprotected sex 3 days after my period was done and wanted to see if I can be prescribed a contraceptive.
안녕하세요. 닥터나우 의료진입니다. 사후피임약 처방이 필요하신 것이라면 산부인과 대면 진료를 통해 약 처방에 대해 상담 받아 보시는 것이 좋겠어요. 도움이 필요하실 때 언제든지 다시 이용해 주세요. 감사합니다.
복용시간이 매우 중요한 사후피임약. 피임 성공률이 높은 복용시간부터 사후피임약 부작용까지 알려드려요.
목소리를 듣고 좋은 서비스를 제공해드릴게요.
Hi, I am worried I may be pregnant. I had sex without protection. Can I please get a prescription for a emergency pill(morning after pill).
I have taken morning after pill 20 days ago. Im on my period now. Can I take morning after pill again?
I have started my quarantine at home but want some medication. Only mild symptoms now but concerned it could get worse. How can I receive antiviral pills or other relevant medication? Thank you.