unruptured aneurysm on it pica
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SAH 환자 검사 결과 해석 해줘 1) internal carotid angiography (enganced) : Lt p-com ruptured aneurysm , Lt paraclinoid unruptured aneurysm 2) vertebral angiography 결과는1번과같다. 근데 1번 검사와 차이가뭐죠? 3) internal carotid 결과는1번과같다 근데 1번 검사와 차이가뭐죠? 4) embolization(cerebral aneurysm others) coiling: aneurysm characteristics ruptured 있음. location Lt p-com (size 2.59×64×1.77) size:small,neck-relatively wide임. used ballon&stent used microcatheter and guided wire total coil 5개 5cm x-pedion 10,phenom 17(90),excelsior10(90)
MRI diffusion:s/p post embo in ruptured Lt p-com aneurysm f/u , coil impaction in the ruptured Lt. P-com aneurysm w surrounding ferromagenetic artifact. Acute diffuse SAH in the post. Fossa. Perimesencepalic both basal. Sylvian cisterns and both cortical sulci. Focal acute small ICH(about23×16mm)at Rt. Paramedian ant. Frontal area w surroundings edema. Acute IVH Ain the dilated both lateral. 3rd and 4th ventricles otherwise no demonstrable. Acute or recent infract foci on DWZ. Since previos 해석해줘
[Finding] Reason of examination : SEL f/u Pre-examinazation diagnosis : Esophageal SEL Sedation : Yes Medication : midazolam 8mg Endoscopist : Choi YH Antithrombotic drug or anti-platelet medication : No [Conclusion] r/o erosion on angle(#1 bx), antrum AW(#2 Bx) Atrophic gastritis, Closed type Esophageal SEL(IT 25cm) - no interval change [Recommendation] Bx check [Addendum] 내시경 결과인데 자세히 해석해주세요. 그리고 CT 결과 활동적인 폐 병변이 없다라고 나왔는데 나쁜건가요 정상인가요?