위의 레이오미오프마 수술 후 검체 상태와 결과
A. Stomach (leiomyoma) DIAGNOSIS: A) Stomach, laparoscopic wedge resection: - Leiomyoma, 7 × 2.7 x 2 cm. GROSS: А. Specimen status: Formalin fixed Procedure: Laparoscopic wedge resection Specimen: Labeled "leiomyoma" A lump of brownish gray mass (7 x 2.7 x 2 cm, 22 gm ) with an attached wedge of stomach (1.5 x 1.3 x 0.3 cm ) Lesion: A well-demarcated, solid mass (7 x 2.7 x 2 cm ) Cut surface: grayish white, firm, fibrotic, trabeculated Not exposure to gastric mucosa Resection