위점막하종양 조직검사 결과 양성인가요? Gist인가요? S100 약한양성은 무엇인가요?
Cardia의 위점막하종양 3.5x5.0cm 종영 조직검사릉 했는데 양성인거죠? Gist가 아닌거죠? 그리고 S100 약한양성이 뭘까요. DIAGNOSIS: A) Stomach, (cardia), EUS guided needle biopsy: - Leiomyoma. NOTE: Please refer to the results) of the immunohistochemical/histochemical staining below. CD117 : negative CD34: negative S100 : positive, weak SMA: positive, strong GROSS: A. Three (up to 0.1 cm ) piece(s), 1 cassette(s), entirely